On October 17, the Gwinnett County Board of Commissioners (BOC) took another bold step forward, which I believe, will be seen as a major milestone in the continual evolution of the Gwinnett Place area. Unanimously, the board approved a process that will allow them to acquire several properties around the existing transit center across from Gwinnett Place Mall. Over the coming months, Gwinnett County will spend a little more than $4.6 million for the approximately 10 acres, including the leased site that houses the existing center. These properties form a key node stretching along Satellite Boulevard toward Ring Road at the doorstep of the mall.
This effort will build upon the numerous multi-million dollar investments made by Gwinnett County over the years. Alone, the natural growth of the current bus system would require an expanded Gwinnett Place Transit Center, but with this bold move, Gwinnett firmly planted its flag, sending an important message to developers, commercial property owners and the public regarding the continued viability of the area as Gwinnett’s central business district. The pending land purchases by Gwinnett County will have a tremendous and positive long-term impact on Gwinnett Place and the area’s ability to continue attracting redevelopment and retaining large- and small-scale businesses to one of the largest commercial corridors in the County.
Redevelopment in the Gwinnett Place area is one of the BOCs’ focus areas as outlined in their strategic priorities determined earlier this year. This acquisition is just another example of Gwinnett County leadership putting their words into action. We have seen that commitment through the various incentives in the area from the Opportunity Zone to the Tax Allocation District to the Redevelopment Overlay District created last year. We have seen that commitment to funding in the much needed intersection improvement projects, updated streetscapes along Pleasant Hill Road and Satellite Boulevard and with the construction of the Diverging Diamond Interchange. Working in partnership, they continue to set the table of success and invite developers to come and redevelop.
For the development community, the land purchase helps create beach front property. We are seeing the beginnings of real game changers for our part of Gwinnett with redevelopment already occurring at The Prado, the acquisition of these properties, along with the County’s efforts at the Infinite Energy Center. The stars are indeed finally aligning in Gwinnett Place’s favor.
As the work continues on the Connect Gwinnett transit planning process, it is clear that Gwinnett Place will play a significant role in any future transit expansion, which leads to more redevelopment opportunities. With this move, Gwinnett Place will remain the most logical choice for an expanded Transit Center to help efficiently move workers, residents and visitors through our district and around the County with Gwinnett Place’s strategic proximity to major arteries, including I-85, SR-316 and more. We are grateful to the County for this vote of confidence and its vision in moving Gwinnett Place forward.
Blog Post by Joe Allen, GPCID Executive Director